Friday, June 01, 2007

Bryson: A Walk In The Woods

I was blessed to receive a number of books as birthday gifts a couple months ago, one of which is the one pictured here, A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering American on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson. I'm only a few chapters into it, and so far I've been enlightened, educated, challenged & inspired...not to mention the fact of how many times I've laughed out loud at the hilarity of Bryson's experience. I decided I needed to post about it today because I keep coming across paragraphs that give me the urge to write something, and, well, I just didn't have a launching pad. Now I do, so perhaps (who knows!) I'll share a few of the things I discover as I mentally saunter alongside this master story-teller...and his colorful friend, Katz. Oh, and I need to say a few things about Mary Ellen...


Anonymous said...

I'd recommend his Short History of Nearly Everything but I think I already have.

jwfrog said...

You did indeed, thanks for reminding me. I've checked out some of his books on language and words, and it's quite compelling material. This one I gather, though, is more of his typical style of travel writing, and it's very enjoyable reading. I'm not in a novel right now, so this kind of takes the place of that void since the stories are quite colorful and fun.