Are you kiddin' me? ESPN is in absolute
Rex hater mode, and it's startin' to really piss me off. Granted I may be a bit biased since, as I've already mentioned in a
previous post, he's a local hero here in Bloomington. But even at that, don't you think the guy needs a break? Seriously, every time he threw a pass that was within 25 yards of a defender during the Saints game, the announcers were harping about how "lucky he was it wasn't picked off". C'mon, now...it's the N.F.L. Nearly every pass is "almost intercepted", just like every time a team punts, the defense "nearly blocked it". (Don't believe me, pay attention the next game you watch and see how many times this comment is made.) Anyway, I'm just sayin' it's time to cut 'ol Rexy some slack. He's a dynamic player, and in case you haven't noticed, his team has the best record in football and is representing their conference in Super Bowl 41. He's obviously gifted, so let's get some sportscasters and writers to get a little creative and start showing clips of his best passes and make remarks about what he's doing right. Why is this so important? One reason: if the Bears (and I hope not!) win the Super Bowl, these naysayers will be the first ones writing about how awesome this young kid who's going to Disney World really is. Hypocrites! Pshaw, I'm gonna put my two-cents in now...he's a deserving starter and a terrific player, mistakes notwithstanding...
I haven't followed Grossman much this year, but I know what you mean. These guys repeat the same cliches ad nauseam. It's like the Colts and their defense. Isn't is wonderful irony that the QB and the defense that got ragged on most are in the Super Bowl?
Just go to espn.go.com and type "Rex Grossman" into their search field, and a few of the headlines will tell you all you need to know. They talk about him "polarizing Bears fans" with his "good Rex/ bad Rex" performances. They say sometimes he's like "Bart Starr (and sometimes like) Bart Simpson". He's had a few poor performances this year, but who doesn't? As far as I can tell the desired end is the same for every team in the N.F.L.-win and get to the Super Bowl. It appears there are many ways to get there, but just b/c the bears have done w/o a QB throwing 4 TD's and 500 yards each game doesn't mean he's a detriment to his team. Again, the record speaks for itself, in my opinion. Yes, you're right about the irony. It just goes to prove "expert" may be a bit of a stretch with some sports writers...
I was with you until you said you weren't for the Bears.
Not sure ESPN's little polls are a great example of hating, but I'm with you being shocked and awed by the dislike of Grossman. Can the guy at least play the game first before he's declared Worst Ever?
The Chicago Tribune writers won't let up. I broke down yet another hatchet job on my blog today. Best of luck to both sides on Sunday.
I'm not a reader of the Trib, but that's interesting that even in Chi-town he's being blasted by the media. Yeah, ESPN's polls are probably not the best indicator of how much someone is hated, but the way they asked the question sorta set me off I guess. Why not a question like: "How many touchdown passes will Rex Grossman throw in the Super Bowl?"? (I'll predict 2, by the way.) The one thing about Rex I wish would be reported is his coolness under pressure. Even in the state championship game a few years ago he was displaying an unbelievable amount of poise in leading his team to the crown. He has the quentessential qb "ice in the veins" attitude on game day, and, quiet frankly, as a Colts fan that scares me much more than the much hyped (and much deserving) Bears defense. True story to the best of luck to both sides...it's bound to be a great game, and I couldn't ask for anything better (unless, of course, its that my Niners would get back to the Super Bowl).
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