Thursday, December 01, 2005

Has Anyone Seen November?

I feel like a blogging virgin again since I haven't jotted down my thinks for nearly a month! Due to my big office move and the crazy amount of hours I've been working, my blogging has been nil, but hopefully that's about to change. I've a lot to say, so I'm gonna HAVE to do better at getting on here.

I did brave the late night, pajama-clad high school kid crazy first showing of the latest Harry Potter film in the wee hours of November 18th...but I fell asleep! I was in Indianapolis for Mediation Training for the Board of REALTORS on Thursday and Friday and thought I'd be able to swing a show that Friday morn, but evidently I couldn't last. I know my good pal Jabel was quite excited about seeing the movie, but I think he was a bit disappointed. I can't really say at this point since one of the sleeping fits I had was right in the middle of the third task at the Triwizard Tournament! I recall the maze popping up...and the next thing I really remember was Mad Eye Moody leading Harry back to his office. Um, I think I must've missed the whole encounter with Voldemort, which was supposed to be the pinnacle of the film. I'll just have to watch it again on DVD when it comes out and make my final opinion known at that time.

Also this month I was introduced to a new client with Home Instead so I'll have to draft a new version of my Elderly Files. This man shall be referred to as Prof B., and I have plenty of items of interest to pen down for the record.

And that would be about it this month! I've not played basketball even once, of course it's been too cold for tennis, and I don't have a gym membership. That means only one thing...something's gotta give or I'm gonna be floating up stairwells like a blimp rather than having to stop half-way up to catch my breath...wait, maybe the blimp thing isn't so bad after all.


1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Just this morning I was thinking about your blogging absence. I was going to send you an email and ask if you frogot something. I'm so witty.

Are you telling me you missed the scene with this face in it? Seeing Voldemort was about the only good thing about the movie.