Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Front Page Material

I found an interesting link today while surfin' the web during my lunch break (blueberry muffin & Diet Dr. Pepper), and I like it so much I've added it to my Surfin' The Pond section over on the right-hand side of the page. It's a feature found on the family of pages that gives a snapshot of over 500 front pages from newspapers from around the world. One of the perks I enjoyed in my previous employ was the travel, and the diversity of papers across the country. With gas prices so high, and my now much-loved life-of-a-homebody, I no longer have to travel to peruse the papers! 'What is so appealing?', you might ask. Well, it's simply aesthetic. Some papers do a really cool job of presenting the same ol' stuff everybody else is yackin' about. I don't look at papers for the content anyway, as I prefer to read about car crashes while there's still smoke rising from the screech marks. I prefer to read about my favorite sporting events while the fans in attendance are exiting the ballparks. The only way to do these things, of course, is to get my news online. But, there is something intriguing about the look and feel of a newspaper. The latter annoys me in my old age, as I can't seem to get comfortable holding it open. The former, though, I can once again enjoy with my new found site. If you're interested, you'd better click my link quick, 'cuz I'm liable to get bored with it and pull it down in about five minutes. I'm random that way sometimes...


Anonymous said...

Holding an actual copy of the NY Times, however, does give one the heady feeling of superiority to those around you reading USA Today.

jwfrog said...

As does The Wall Street Journal, but I have the damndest (?) time finding the comics in there!