I am frog...or phrog...or frogg. I didn't choose the tag, I was chosen when the marriage of my mother (who named me Jeremy) and a goofy song by Three Dog Night (Joy To The World) took place, and the herd I grew up in began the pesky refrain, "Jeremiah was a bullfrog, Was a good friend of mine, I never understood a single word he said, But I helped him-a drink his wine, And he always had some mighty fine wine, Singin'...". Did I say a "marriage"? Pardon me, forsooth 'twas merely a one-night stand, the result of a drunken tryst somewhere on the floor of some psychadelic '70s shag-house. But, married or not, frog was spawned!
But I digress. I have created this space on your screen to allow the warped, tangled and altogether unpredictable thoughts that stain the warp and woof of my brain a violent egress. For my serious, work-related rantings you'll need to visit my "professional" blog at jeremyweddlerealestate.blogspot.com/ or surf out to my personal website at jeremyweddle.com The real me, however, will stay right herre in cargo shorts, earrings, a Green Day t-shirt, flip-flops, and a slightly askew(bless you!) baseball cap, shaking his head at his alter ego in business attire, awaiting the opportunity to scream his desire to not be an "American Idiot".
Man is a mixture of components intended to be continuously stirred lest the product be scorched. There are many ingredients, the most popular being called Spirituality, Intellect, Physicality, and Emotion. I use the word "intended" because my personal belief is in our placement here by an intelligent Creator, who I recognize as God. I'm Christian, not Christ, and therefore see no reason to focus my life on a "What Would Jesus Do" mantra. Rather, I aim to be myself and live life recognizing that Christ is too profound to be copied, and simply tip my hat to Him as Lord of this Dance called life. I say "mixture", though, because we are not "only Spiritual", or "only Intellect, Physicality, Emotion" or any other one thing. I think a life of balance is not only where I'll be happiest, but where I'll be most pleasant to those I encounter. If I'm too sharply focused on being a spiritual being, I'll become encrusted with pride, hardened with insincerity, blackened with hypocrisy, and burned with a torpid formality. And the same distasteful result would be produced if I emphasize any other one area of life. Therefore, I wish to be employed in a continual task of creating balance while giving more than a passing glance at each of the parts of me that makes me a complete being. I aim to allow myself to be immersed in the moment, and take in all I can while engaging in each activity. When I'm working, may everything else be just a step behind my occupational endeavors. When I'm interacting with others, may my attention be given to them and not attempting to collate events and ideas in each of the other genres of my lifesong. As J.G. Friedrich von Schiller advanced it, those who temporarily set aside other matters to hone in on the one at hand "gain in depth what they are permitted to lose in extension". But I hope to grasp the importance of that loss of extension being an impermanent event, and one that'll be replaced with a full recovery of breadth upon completion of the dive.
And squirreling from the serious to the silly (props to you, Billy Jowers), I'll wrap it up with a note to myself on why this blog is called "Froggetmenots Are Fowlers, Too!" It's about as bad as Toby Keith's Iraq-war induced pun Shock'n Y'All (read: Shock And Awe), and maybe worse. Here it is in a classic run-on sentence: I am not dyslexic but sometimes I act like it to make a funny and since I'm called frog I thought I'd make a blog that afforded me a place to keep my thoughts together so I wouldn't forget them so I associated Forget-Me-Nots with the eponymous "Froggetmenots" for the purpose of remembering, and since Forget-Me-Nots are flowers I had to further my normally-not-dyslexic way of speech by suggesting Froggetmenots are fowlers (which hunt birds) as these sayings are how I keep my musings from flying away, Oh glory!
I told Andy Burnette about this blog and described it thusly: "It is classic Weddle, i.e., incoherent with flashes of wit and intelligence." Which, of course, is a backhanded compliment.
By the way, I agree with your statement on WWJD. It seems a bit silly to me, based as it is on the assumption that our primary responsibility is to imitate Jesus rather than place our faith in him. After all, if we could successfully imitate him then we wouldn't need him.
Great blog. Looking forward to more.
Thanks for the compliment. Now, if we could just work on your other backhand...
As I'm sure you and Andy recall, WWJD played a large roll in our youth group days, being promoted as THE WAY to react to all of life. The problem for me was that I spent so much time and effort trying to do the impossible (imitate Christ) that I failed to fully appreciate the greatest Truth of all (Christ inimitable).
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